The Inv sible Force, A Co D2 Frag Movie by pp L
Editor: Amazingly welledited Call of Duty 2 frag movie from Paul here; really highlighting the skill still in this game. This game can still live on so please support this by liking, faving etc and play it Statement from ppL, Hey Guys, I m very proud to present you, after 12 month hard work, my new Call of Duty 2 movie The Invisible Force starring Lyrixzz, Aaron and Matje. They sent me a lot of frags and i m sry that i cant use all. So be prepared for some new things, i ve never done before. Keep your eyes open for dirty 3Dstuff (3D titles and first person animation, excuse the middlefinger animation on burg) Watch out for sick camera smooths u ve never seen before in a cod2 movie And enjoy the unique music from Futurebound InsideInfo, Engage and DeltaS HD download: Music: DeltaS Damage Control http: br, br,