17 Reasons Why I Believe ADHD is Not a Legitimate Medical Disorder
This video presents 17 reasons why I believe ADHD is not a legitimate medical disorder. The reasons include: 1. ADHD symptoms reflect the fragmentation of our culture 2. Kids diagnosed with ADHD have normal but delayed brain development (23 years behind neurotypical kids) 3. Accountability and standardization in school is making it harder for different learners to succeed the result: ADHD symptoms 4. Many ADHD symptoms are simply all boy behavior 5. ADHD symptoms are a result of the brain being involved in too much consumption of mass media 6. Part of the ADHD epidemic is due to the decline of free unstructured play in our culture 7. Kids diagnosed with ADHD are hunters in a farmers world 8. Kids diagnosed with ADHD are noveltyseekers that s creative behavior 9. Some kids diagnosed with ADHD are reflecting adverse living conditions in the home and community 10. A neurodiversity paradigm is better suited to describe these kids than a disability parad