German Election (1920 1930)
German election. MS election campaign workers holding signs for candidates outside polling station; people leave. MS two couples (including Social Democratic Candidate Otto Braun) arrive in car and enter building. Then they come back out and cross to car. CU Braun election poster; with drawing of man at ship s wheel. Various shots as campaign workers drive buses through streets; waving flags and throwing leaflets to crowds. Others walk carrying placards. Young boys stop and stare at the camera. Group of people riding on a horsedrawn wagon decorated with KPD party banners and posters. More of the campaign buses race through the streets; some boys chase after them. One wagon rolls past with huge sign; which shows all other candidates names (Ludendorff; Held; Thalmann; Marx; Hellpach; Barres) with line through them and nein written by them; then Braun s name in giant letters. Shot looking down at crowd from short distance above; as they catch leaflets and look at them. MS two men throwing leaflet