391 Glad + Friends, Mark Kulek ESL ( Live Stream Class) Learn English
Learn English Mark Kulek ESL: Glad (happy about something, happy something did not happen) + talk about friends LiveStream English Lesson. My Playlists: KeyWords: meeting someone, helping someone, to be back, to see you, found a job+ more. Conversation, Dictation Cards, Card Guessing Game, Reading, Phonic Practice. Also in today s video Vocabulary and Dictation, American Idioms. We will also do Vocabulary Practice, Card Guessing Game, Live Reading: listen, Q A, shadowing, reading, Dictation (short conversations), Collocations, and Short Conversation Practice, Picture Speculation. subscribe for more conversations: TimeStamps 0:00 Intro 5:50 Talk about friends 44:56 Form a sentence (subject+auxiliary verb+frequency adverb+ verb) 1:04:22 Which , What 1:20:30 Dictation Cards (glad) Lolly s Revenge Joe Sue, how are you feeling Sue I m still not 100 p