ASMR TSA Cowgirl Patdown with ilovekatieasmr , Fast and Aggressive Style, Roleplay for Deep Sleep
, asmr, asmrrealperson, asmrtingles Back at it again with a TSA video to lull you into gentle sleep Filming with Katie is hilarious, it was so much fun to film this I am so deeply thankful for your support through comments, likes, and subscribes to my channel. Thank you and let me know what you think of this video Today, ilovekatieasmr gets a pat down and maybe a plus one to her disco rodeo. 0:00 Intro 2:56 TSA Kitty 4:10 Head and Hair Inspection 6:21 Upper Body 12:49 Lower Body 17:17 Feet Shoes 22:47 Bag Inspection 27:31 Outro Connect with Me: This is an ASMR roleplay that is best experienced while wearing headphones. This video is fiction, created for the purpose of entertainment and relaxation; it doesn t convey accurate information.