Savannah Cat : The Most Expensive Pet in the world, Largest cat breed F1 Savannah
Visit to see which kittens are available today follow us on instagram at What is a Savannah cat A savannah cat is a domestic cat breed that has a of African serval wild blood. They are known to love water, swimming, running in the shower with you. Being extremely affectionate and bonded to their owners while still maintaining the independency of a cat. They still use the litter box and lower generation savannahs can eat high quality regular cat food. They are known for extreme intelligence, constant purring, their high energy, playing fetch, and being easily trainable for commands. These savannah cat qualities are more prevalent in the highest generation as they have the most African serval blood. The attraction to the Savannah cat breed comes from their dog like personality and beautiful aesthetic. They are highly intelligent and can be taught tricks just as a dog, and the word no. Savan