How The Time Traveler s Wife Taught Theo James to Live in the Present, This Guy, In Style
Theo James has learned to live in the present. The English actor and wellknown Divergent star shares what he learned about life, love, and time travel while filming the new HBO series The Time Travelers Plus, he reflects upon his recurring underwater dreams and reveals exactly how he makes tea, a sacred beverage in his household, when he wakes up. He also envisions the perfect date, remembers his very first kiss, and tells the story of how he went bungee jumping on a whimwhile hungover. Check out Theo James InStyle Feature: , TheoJames, TheTimeTravelersWife, Divergent, Celebrity, ThisGuy, InStyle 0:00 Introduction 0:18 Theo James Birthday 0:27 When You Wake Up 0:37 Coffee or Tea Order 0:57 Before You Fall Asleep 1:09 Memorable Dream 1:35 Favorite Book 1:41 Going Back in Time 2:08 Lessons About Love 3:00 Perfect Date 3:11 First Kiss 3:2