Every Bit As Good As Them. Every Bit. Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead
Spoilers for TWD S02E05 Chupacabra. Because this episode was freaking brilliant. Because Daryl is such a brilliant character. Because Norman Reedus is such a brilliant actor. Because 65daysofstatic is such a brilliant band. One of my artisticy DWvideo like chaotic thingies I call my vidding style. It isn t supposed to be pretty or logical. It s supposed to be hypnotic, crazy, fast, unlogical, mad. Because that s how Daryl must ve felt like after falling down that hill and impaling himself on his own arrow. I wanted to stress the two sides of the coin here. Daryl s past with his brother, Daryl s past experiences and behaviour. All that bitchin and being cold and egoistic and nasty. And right in contrast to that his new side. His keeness to find Carol s daughter. His soft side, the Cherokee rose, the doll, that lovely lovely last scene where Carol kisses his temple and says something COMPLETELY and entirely dif br, br,