Nuno Bettencourt Style Quick Licks Guitar Solo Performance by Andy James
In this video, Andy James takes on the guitar style of Extreme s Nuno Bettencourt in this guitar performance video. Learn this solo and other Nuno style tricks in Andy James course Quick Licks Nuno Bettencourt Learn how to play every song off Extreme s album Pornograffiti: Learn guitar with Andy James himself: In this video you ll see Andy James playing a Nuno Bettencourt inspired guitar solo. Nuno is not only known for his insane shred guitar chops, but also his rhythmic playing and his ability to add groove to fast guitar solos. In the course linked above you will learn all of Nuno s tricks including his two hand, string skipping tapped arpeggios, his speed picking, his rhythmic style for lead lines and more. ,