Alexandra (Brooke Wallace), her boyfriend Chris (Keith Dowsett), and her friend Jennifer (Alexa Leigh Fletcher) are three college students who move in together. After finding the titular ventriloquist dummy, they learn to coexist with it as it tries unsuccessfully to off them, one by one. Humiliated by his lack of prowess in the killer doll department, Finley exiles himself back into his attic crate. When violent intruders target the house, though, Finley gets a chance at redemption. CREW Produced by: Unplugged Films Directed Edited by: J. Zachary Thurman Written by: J. Zachary Thurman Maddie Stroud Director of Photography: J. Zachary Thurman Production Assistants: Keith Dowsett, Zak DenHartigh, Brian Jones, Corey Grispo Composed by: Marshall Coats Puppeteers: J. Zachary Thurman Keith Dowsett MakeUp: Cindy Williams CAST Keith Dowsett as Chris Alexa Leigh Fletcher as Jennifer Brooke Wallace as Alexandra Chase Anderson as