Thrall Meets Mama Draka Family Reunion Wo W: Shadowlands 9. 1 Chains of Domination
Thrall Meets His Mother Draka. In 9. 1, Chains of Domination, Thrall journeys to Korthia, where he joins Draka in leading the covenant assault. Draka recognizes Go el, now wearing Doomhammer s armor, as they both talk about his life as Warchief, Shamanesus future. Where s Doomhammer Azshara s Theme: Link: Nightsong Music Link: Endscreen Theme Link 2: Please Like, Share, Subscribe to show your support Save the Murlocs and have a cookie of your choice Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now Varian Wrynn s Story Sacrifice Full Warcraft Lore Link: Illidan Stormrage s Story Sacrific