Ill See You In The Morning Blackout Trailer (1941)
Title reads: I ll see you in the morning (I hope Location of events unknown. Informative trailer instructing people to be just as vigilant about the blackout in gloomy winter mornings as they are at night. L, S of aeroplane flying at dawn. Early morning night shot of suburban house. M, S of man in bed, he leans over and switches on his bedside lamp. L, S of house the occupiers have removed to blackout curtains before going to sleep so we can see lights being switched on in every part of the house M, S looking through French windows. A man opens the curtains and switches on the light. We see him doing his morning exercises. M, S of open back door, light floods out of it. Some one is sweeping dust out onto the step. M, S looking through window of man having shave with light on. M, S looking through kitchen window of a woman cooking breakfast. Night shots of bicycle and van driving down street. Because the cyclist is not wearing any reflective gear the van has to swerve to av