Digging Up Irma Grese Exhuming The Evil Female Concentration Camp Guard
Irma Grese was one of the most notorious and brutal female concentration camp guards of the Second World War. She was known as The Beautiful Beast, and was a coldblooded killer and sadist who would inflict great suffering onto the prisoners of Ravensbruck, Auschwitz and BergenBelsen. She was responsible for the deaths of thousands, and would execute inmates with her bare hands. At the end of the war she was brought to trial at the Belsen Trials, and was one of three women who were executed for their crimes. It was British executioner Albert Pierrepoint that condemned Irma Grese on the gallows at Hamelin Prison. But she was then buried in a grave inside of the prison courtyard, a short distance from the execution chamber. However this was not the end of Irma Grese story, as she was then exhumed within a decade of her death and was moved to a different burial ground, along with many other executed Nazi war criminals. Join us today as we look at, The Exhumation Of Irma Grese