Боже это страшнее всяких фильмов ужасов))лучшее голоса)
1)Alissa WhiteGluz: The Agonist 2)Angela Gossow: Arch Enemy 3)Maria Trisstessa Kolokouri: Astarte (song features Angela Gossow :) ) 4)Chibi: The Birthday Massacre 5)Ally French: Bloodlined Calligraphy 6)Candice Clot: Eths 7)Jyou: Exist Trace 8)Lacey Mosely: Flyleaf 9)Vivian Slaughter: Gallhammer 10)Maria Brink: In This Moment 11)Krysta Cameron: IWresledABearOnce 12)Morgan Lander: Kittie 13)Laura Nichol: Light This City 14)Otep Shamaya: Otep 15)Alexis Brown: Stra 16)Candace Kucsulain: Walls of J