Decoded Feedback Mother Tenebrarum
This is a project of mine, put all songs of Decoded Feedback on youtube for all supporters and newcomers to the DF fandom. I ll put up all songs from all albums, in the order that they were on the albums and also album chronological order, starting with Mother Tenebrarum from they re first official album, Overdosing (1996), going all the way to Soultaker from Aftermath (Deluxe, 2010). So, with out further ado, I give to you, fans of Marco and Yone, Mother Tenebrarum. Decoded Feedback are: Marco Biagiotti vox, lyrics, samples, sequences, arrangement, basses and drums Yone Dudas keyboards, sequences, arrangement, samples, basses, drums and lyrics Song: Mother Tenebrarum Track: 01 Album: Overdosing Year: 1996