Super Battleship Hannover with +450k damage in Arms race World of Warships
SuperBattleship Hannover with +450k damage in Arms race World of Warships WoWs replays best World of Warships games Hannover: 452k damage, 6 ships destroyed World of Warships Hannover is a German tier XI Battleship. The Hannover is part of the German Battleship line. ,WorldofWarships, WoWs, WOWsreplays A behemoth battleship of 100, 000 tons, equipped with extraheavy 483 mm main guns and mighty AA defenses comprising antiaircraft and dualpurpose gun systems designed in the 1940s. Battle Stats: Version: Server: EU Time: 25102023 13:23:44 EU TIME Player: CultSirius Ship: Hannover Damage: 452761 Destroyed ships: 6 Map: Land of Fire Southern waters of Latin America: specific region, complex setting. Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships You want to send me your WoWs replay Requirements: +3, 5k BXP or +300k dmg, or 8 ships destroyed, or Solo Warrior. Send me the link, replay via mail, to find on the channel info page. Thank you