Lambada Brazilian Dance Mix 2022
Lambada is a song recorded by FrenchBrazilian pop group Kaoma. It featured guest vocals by Brazilian vocalist Loalwa Braz, and was released as the first single from Kaoma s debut album Worldbeat. The video, filmed on Cocos beach in the city of Trancoso, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, featured the Brazilian child duo Chico Roberta. RIP to Loalwa Braz Vieira, The Brazilian singer for this song. This video was edited by me and mixed a bit as well. This video is used under the fair use act and according to the law is prohibited to be copied. Lyrics of the song translated in English: The one who made me cry has gone crying one day The one who made me cry, has gone crying one day Hell be crying when he remembers a love That he didnt care one day Hell be crying when he remembers a love That he didnt care one day The memory will be with him where he goes The memory will be forever where I go Dance, sun and sea Ill keep on my look Love makes (u