Manufacture Of Electric Power Cables Henleys Ltd Reel 3 (1930 1939)
Reel 3. Mobile oil treating equipment is shown. Man opens the door of a large van. Inside the van is testing and treating equipment. Oil pressure in the cable is checked. C, U of gauge being used to test the pressure. Various shots of men working to check the cables. Several men stand in a narrow trench hauling the cable along. The cable is fed along the trench by hand. The cable is pulled around a bend. Looks like very hard, labour intensive work. Interesting overhead shot of two men pulling the cable through the trench. Looks a bit rude Cable passes under the railway. M, S of a train passing over a bridge camera tilts down to show the men tugging on the cable. At the end of the pull, men stand on the grass pulling the cable almost like a tug of war team. Various shots of the cable being pulled into place. C, U of man tying a piece of string around the cable. Jointing an oilfilled cable in the trench, stripping, serving and baring the joint are all demonstrated. Testing the oil pres