Adwaith Wedi Blino
Yn dilyn melodiau ewfforic y sengl gyntaf ETO, mae Wedi Blino yn troir fuzz i fyny an cloddion ddyfnach i orbryder yr ugeiniau cynnar. Bydd Bato Mato, ail record hirddisgwyliedig y band, allan Gorffennaf 1af ar Libertino. On ni eisiau creu can indiepop fawr ond melancolaidd meddair band. Mae hi am boeni fod bywyd yn mynd yn rhy gyflym neu boeni am berthynas, y teimlad nad wyt tin ddigon da ac mae ti ywr rheswm nad yw pethau yn gweithio mas Following on from the soaring melodies of euphoric opening single ETO, latest cut Wedi Blino cranks up the fuzz and digs deeper into the anxieties of your early 20 s. Their eagerly anticipated sophomore album Bato Mato, due 1st July via Libertino. We wanted to create a big indie pop song that has a melancholy feel to it say the band. It s about being worried that life is going too fast or the worries of a relationship, the overwhelming feeling that you re not good enough and that you are the