1 GUY, 100 VOICES ( Marvel, LOTR, Star Wars, Peaky Blinders, Go T more )
100 or so impressions Enjoy Learn Impressions: See me perform live: Instagram: Facebook: Snapchat: chopkinson92 Twitter: Patreon: Merchandise: Impressions of Morgan Freeman, David Attenborough, Rick and Morty (Like Rick and also Morty), Game of Thrones (GOT, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister Ser Davos Lord of the Rings (LOTR, Gandalf, Boromir, Peaky Blinders (Tommy Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Alfie Cartoons and more. Rough transcript Tommy Shelby: I dont care what you say, its coming home Arthur Shelby: I want a Large Hawaiian and Chips, ordered by the Peaky Blinders Luca Changretta: That Polly Grey, That Child, what do you say, wanna dance Aberama Gold: I like this place, you tell mr Strong Im going to buy his yard Inspector