pigtails trailer
PIGTAILS is the directorial debut of animator Yoshimi Itazu ( Miss Hokusai, Paprika ). Based on the Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prizewinning comic book Mitsuami no Kamisama by Machiko Kyo, and visually inspired by Derek Jarman s garden in Dungeness an oasis of life and beauty growing in front of a nuclear power station the film metaphorically depicts the conflicting and unspeakable feelings that embraced the author in the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, and faithfully recreates the contrast between Kyo s naivelooking designs and the story s extreme and thoughtprovoking twist. Director Itazu and Fukushimaborn animation producer Keiko Matsushita ( A Letter to Momo, Miss Hokusai ) visited the still scarred seacoast of northern Japan to the very limits of the forbidden zone in order to bring back into the film more vivid impressions of colours, landscapes, and the cold wind of March. Music by Ichiko Aoba. read more: