The Bunker Boys Hitlers Child Soldiers, Berlin 1945
The story of the child and teenage soldiers that were famously filmed being awarded Iron Crosses outside the Führerbunker in Berlin, March 1945. Special thanks to Frederick at for access to footage. Also visit Dr. Mark Felton is a wellknown British historian, the author of 22 nonfiction books, including bestsellers Zero Night and Castle of the Eagles, both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. He has written extensively on Japanese war crimes, POW camps, Nazi war criminals, the Holocaust, famous escapes, Hitler and other Nazi leaders. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at: Visit my audio book channel W