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Two New York City Correction Officers Plead Guilty to Accepting Bribes in Exchange for Smuggling Contraband Into Rikers Island for Gang Members Defendants Smuggled Cell Phones and Narcotics to Members of the Bloods Gang Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, New York City correction officer Krystle Burrell pleaded guilty to bribery, admitting that she accepted nearly 10, 000 in bribe payments in exchange for smuggling contraband into Rikers Island. On August 16, 2022, New York City correction officer Katrina Patterson pleaded guilty to bribery, admitting that she accepted more than 34, 000 in bribe payments in exchange for smuggling contraband into Rikers Island. Burrell and Patterson are employed by the New York City Department of Corrections (DOC). Burrells proceeding was held before United States District Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto, and Pattersons proceeding was held before United States District Judge Carol Bagley Amon. The defendants threw in their lot with Bloods gang members