Why Saudi Arabia Arab Nations betrayed Palestinians Why such Weakness Analysis
Why Saudi Arabia Arab Nations betrayed Palestinians What Explains this weakness state of surrender What has changed from the Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War What lies ahead for the Arabs ,Rafahkillings , arabsbetrayPalestinians, WorldinsensitivityPalestiniandeaths Do give your comments below. Subscribe and Share our video. Also watch MBS Modernization: Women, Wine Sports Minus Political Freedoms Will Crown Prince Mohammad be able to save Saudi Arabia Will his strategy achieve the desired results Will he be able to make the necessary changes without threatening the stability of the House of Saud Najma tweets MinhasNajma Follow Global Village Space (GVS) on twitter GVSNews Check us out at Najma Minhas is Managing Editor, Global Village Space. She has worked with National Economic Research Associates (NERA) in