CHAG SAMEACH, HAPPY SUKKOT 5780 With LOVE from the BenDavids Friends LYRICS Chorus Sukkot is here Rejoice Sing for the God of Israel is with us. 2X Verse 1 Out of Egypt Out of slavery. Once we were slaves now we are free We followed the Cloud of Glory From Mount Sinai to the Land called Holy There we lived in a tent called a Sukkah Shielding us from all the Danger But HaShem was our Protector Building Sukkahs serve as a reminder Sukkots coming, time to build your sukkah, decorate your sukkah, live inside your sukkah Chorus Sukkot is here Rejoice Sing for the God of Israel is with us 2X Verse 2 What has three walls, three feet tall with a Palm roof in the Fall Its a Sukkah, Kosher Sukkah It is time to fulfil the Mitzvah Nothing should be between Gd and your sukkah There should be an open sky. The same way nothing should be between you and I, brother nor El Shadd