The HOTTEST Landable Thin Atmosphere in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey ( August 3308)
Nicknamed Hephaestus First Cauldron, this metal rich world is currently (as of August 3308) the hottest landable thin atmosphere planet in the known galaxy, with the rarest thin atmosphere type: hot thin silicate vapour. It is situated 320 lightyears from Sol, go here and visit Special thank you to CMDR Richard Fluiraniz M. for sending me here and giving me the honor of making the Galactic Exploration Catalog entry. GEC POI: Body: HIP 50698 A1 Inner Orion Spur Discovered by: CMDR SP Atmosphere Type: Hot Thin Silicate Vapour Surface Temperature: 1, 284 K 2, 510 K Surface Pressure: 0. 02 atmospheres Earth Masses: 0. 9440 Radius: 5, 963km Gravity: 1. 08G Music: Dan Millidge (Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Official Soundtrack) o7 , elitedangerous, elitedangerousodyssey, heatrecord