Rome 4 K Morning Drive Driving Downtown
Sunday morning drive around the center of Rome Italy. Have you ever wanted to drive through an art museum This is your best option Rome is a masterpiece of art and design. The monuments are everywhere The detailed architecture, the lines, the sculptures, the fountains, the history, etc. Its very clear that this was the New York City of the world for a long time. I love it Starting Point: . Rome is thecapital cityand a specialcomuneofItaly(namedComune di Roma Capitale), as well as the capital of theLazioregion. The city has been a major human settlement for almost three millennia. With 2, 860, 009 residents in 1, 285km2(496. 1sqmi), it is also the country s most populatedcomune. It is thethird most populous cityin theEuropean Unionby population within city limits. It is the centre of theMetropolitan City of Rome, which has a population of 4, 355, 725 residents, thus making it the most populousmetropolitan cityin Italy. Itsmetropolitan areais th