Hundreds of Intermediate Black Holes Revealed by DESI but Something Doesnt Add Up
Get a Wonderful Person Tee: More cool designs are on Amazon: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a discovery of intermediate mass black holes Links: Previous videos: , blackhole, astronomy, imbh 0:00 DESI makes intriguing discoveries about various galaxies 1:05 What is DESI 2:40 Focus on dwarf galaxies in this study 3:30 Strange findings 5:45 Why this is important 7:20 But there is a problem with th. .., AntonPetrov, imbh, intermediatemassblackhole, originofglobularclusters, globularclustermystery, globularcluster, antonpetrov, science, physics, astrophysics 20250306 SIyeJbbSfpE