The Shattered Mind Machine Technokrat ( Full Album 2023)
Technokrat (2023) The Shattered Mind Machine, Zurich, Switzerland Their third album is the first one with new drummer Dominik Jucker and further explores the limits of psychrock and postpunk. Thematically, the dystopia of the highly acclaimed last record Apparatschik (2021) is followed. Again, a rather cerebral term is the inspiration for capturing the mood of the ten tracks. How could it be otherwise with a band that has focused so much on their own vision of guitar music in recent years. The songwriting remains dark in the haze of postpunk and alternative. Between all the broken things, a lightness shines through on Technokrat, which sets this album apart from its shadowy predecessor. The trio uses the tried and tested, but also breaks new ground. Lyricist Simon Hirzel lets the audience get closer than ever to his innermost being, sings about friendship ( Shy ) and fever d