Top Verses Churches Twist To Make Millions, The Worst Offering Messages Exposed
Get all my notes: Visit My Facebook Page: Churches today are twisting the bible to make millions. Rich pastors and teachers are plucking verses out of their context and deceiving people into thinking that the bible commands them to give their ministries money. People are fooled into thinking that if they give money to their ministries then the will be blessed. They even taking money from the poor and those on social security. The name of God is being slandered and blasphemed throughout the world because of these greedy pastors and teachers. We need to keep exposing these false teachers who spread lies and false teaching. People like Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and Hillsong and all the mega church pastors are false teachers and they need to be exposed. Christians are not required to tithe or to give any money to their local church organization. Christians should give