Mozart, Wolfgang A. mvt1 6th violin concerto KV 268
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) Violin Concerto no. 6 KV 268 Movement 1 : Allegro moderato This composition is possibly not by Mozart First published by André in 1799; contemporary writer stated work had been written around 1784 and played to the young Violinist Johann Friedrich Eck in Munich by Mozart, although Constanze stated if authentic it dated prior to this; K1 placed in works of 1776; in later 19th Century believed first and last movements might contain some Mozart material later reworked by unskilled hand; Oldman believed stylistically similar to Sinfonia Concertante K. 365 and work was completed by Eck; K3 placed in 1780; K6 removed from authentic works. Comparing Concerto with known Violin Concertos by Eck, Lebermann (Musikforschung1978) concludes works is probably by Eck and written sometime before