Margot Robbie Diego Calva Pick Their Own Interview Questions, Babylon, Pop Buzz Meets
THATS HOLLYWOOD, BABYYYY To celebrate the release of Babylon, PopBuzz sat down with the brilliant duo that is Margot Robbie and Diego Calva (who play Nellie and Manny) to discuss the one scene it took them 36 takes ( ) to shoot , what happened at the Babylon wrap party , their favourite movies of all time and much, much more , margotrobbie, diegocalva, babylon S U B S C R I B E : S I T E : T I K T O K : I N S T A G R A M : F A C E B O O K : T W I T T E R : V I D E O P L A Y L I S T S: PopBuzz Meets: The Tower of Truth, PopBuzz: The Most Impossible Quiz, PopBuzz: