DOOM Eternal: Combat Shotgun Only
This is a full run of DOOM: Eternal with only the combat Shotgun, and it s two mods. There aren t any other restrictions on my loadout and upgrades besides that I can t use any guns or mods besides the Combat Shotgun. This includes no BFG, or Crucible. The only exceptions are the Meat Hook on the Super Shotty to get close to Khan Maykr in Urdak. And of course the chainsaw for ammo. At the beginning I had to shake off some rust as I ve been playing other games, some of them being FPS, and they control very differently from how I play DOOM. So you ll see some adjustments as the run goes. This is also my first ever attempt at this run, and therefore I made some mistakes with the arenas early on. You ll notice I do a checkpoint reset on Cultist Base because I forgot the Gargoyles in the room with the Mancubi where you get the Rocket Launcher do not respawn infinitely. So, I ran out of ammo for my shotgun, and out of targets to chainsaw. So I just decided to reset and do it again. You ll notice me trying to figur