Why some paranoid schizophrenics run amok
The rates of schizophrenia are far higher in those whose families are from the Caribbean than in the white, British population. This has resulted in some terrible incidents, including the rampage by Zephaniah McCloud in September last year. New policies designed to avoid racism are likely to increase the frequency of such killings and woundings. Pinto, Rebecca: Ashworth, Mark: Jones, Roger (2008) Schizophrenia in black Caribbeans living in the UK: an exploration of underlying causes of the high incidence rate, British Journal of General Practice, 2008 Jun 1; 58(551): 429434. Schwarz, Robert C; Blankenship, David E. (2014) Racial disparities in psychotic disorder diagnosis: A review of empirical literature, World Journal of Psychiatry; 2014 Dec 22; 4(4): 133140