Dr. Lee Merritt Interviews Dr. Thomas Cowan
Dr. Lee Merritt Interviews Dr. Thomas Cowan This was brilliant. Thank you. Great pair of people thinking outside the box. Wonderful free thinking, miles away from any of the scientific bureaucrats. Virus is latin for slimy, toxic, poisonous liquid. The bits of protein they identify a a virus are exosomes. The medicalpharma complex has been pushing this unicorn theory of disease since last century, and the really big global push rammed down all our throats hard since the last 2 years. FRAUDCI has been the chief architect of this hoax going back to the AIDS, HIV days (which Kary Mullis exposed too he asked the so called experts for a paper linking HIV as the cause of AIDS and they could not produce one paper their answer was everyone knows HIV causes AIDS how scientific is that ). centricium This was brilliant. Thank you. Great pair of people thinking FULL descr here: