CGI Animated Short Film HD: Witches by Stim Studio, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Witches Animated Short Film by Stim Studio. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery Félix ferrand and Thibaut Vuillin embarked on a great journey: producing and directing short animated films. Witches is the most ambitious one and is a feminist tale on witchhunt with a modern twist. To do so, they turned to former students who wanted to make their graduation short film on their own. Thus, the Cpasdec student association joined Stim Studio to take part of this challenging and exciting project. Felix and Thibaut also reached out to their contacts in the industry to find partners and teachers all around the world in order to help with the project and train the students. Our first partner was Foundry who gave us the opportunity to use softwares like Katana, Nuke and Mari. All the projects are now fully rendered inside Katana using the Redshift render engine. We also partnered with the Pillon sound studio who joined the adventure and he