Satie: Complete Music for Piano Four Hands
Aperçus Désagréables (1908): This album contains some of Saties most important works: Parade, written for Cocteau, Relâche, Gymnopédies Nos. 1 and 3, and his socalled Furniture music, Musique dameublement of 1917. Composer: Erik Satie Artists: Sandra en Jeroen van Veen (piano four hands) Online purchase or streaming (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer, Google Play): More Information: Alfred Erik Leslie Satie (18661925) was born in Honfleur, of a Normand father and a Scottish mother. He rates as one of musics true originals a real oneoff . After his studies as an organist, and then a period as a rather unsuccessful concert pianist having studied with several eminent teachers (he hated the rules of academic life), he enrolled in the French Army. This didnt solve his problems with life either, so he deliberately contracted bronchitis and was invalide