Flappers folly by Ksenia Parkhatskaya
We are entering in (20)20 s again I celebrate it in 20 s Charleston style. My new Charleston dance solo to a classic hot jazz tune Maple Leaf Rag by the great american clarnetists Sidney Bechet. If you want to learn how to do the Charleston, check out my online dance courses Secrets of Solo , thecharlestondance, learntodancecharleston, dothecharleston, charlestonshow, secretsofsolo, learntodance, onlinedanceclasses, solojazz, soloswing, learndanceonline, swing, jazz, onlinedanceclasses, kseniaparkhatskaya, solojazzdance, onlinedanceclass, swingdance, swingdancer, swingdancelessons, solojazz, thecharleston, variationlab, practicingimprovisationisanart