Spider Man Movie (2002) Peter vs. Flash Scene (1, 10), Movieclips
SpiderMan Peter vs. Flash: Peter (Tobey Maguire) uses his new abilities to win a fight against the school bully, Flash Thompson (Joe Manganiello). BUY THE MOVIE: Watch the best SpiderMan scenes clips: SpiderMan Best Scenes playlist: j. mp, 2h4nnX0 About SpiderMan Movie: After incorporating elements of comic book style and design into many of his films, director Sam Raimi helms this straightahead, bigbudget comic book adaptation, which also marks acclaimed young actor Tobey Maguire s first dip into liveaction blockbuster filmmaking. SpiderMan follows the template of the original Stan Lee, Steve Ditko source material, with hero Peter Parker an orphaned, intellectual teen loner living in Queens with his aunt (Rosemary Harris) and uncle (Cliff Robertson), and dreaming of the girl next door, Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst). On a field trip to a Columbia University lab, Peter is bitten by a genetically altered spider and overnight he gains superhuman