Unwound: Live at Capitol Theater, Olympia, WA 1, 21, 1994
A lone fiver got you into Capitol theater on a cool January night to witness the triplethreat of Mukilteo Fairies, Unwound, and Jawbreaker. Performing to a packed crowd of punks on the floor of the venue, Unwound rip through a distorted halfhour set which hung perfectly in the balance between the shrieks and the whispers. Unwound Physical Sale (through 9, 27, 2020): Stream Unwound: Follow on Insta: thenumerogroup Follow on Twitter: numerogroup Follow on Spotify: 0:06 All Souls Day 3:35 Gravity Slips 5:52 Dragnalus 9:52 Broken Estrings 14:06 What Was Wound 16:32 Envelope 19:55 MK Ultra 24:54 Said Serial 27:50 Usual Dosage 32:51 Valentine Card