Africa was hiding behind a wall on the side of the road, her body emaciated, her eyes closed
I discovered Africa hiding behind a wall right next to the road. His body was emaciated, his eyes were closed, his wounds were giving off an unpleasant stench. What he was going through broke my soul and my heart. For Africa, in 4 years of life, there was not a good day, not a single minute of peace. His life was in danger, if I delay I would most likely lose him. We need to get to the vet quickly, so that his life could be preserved. Blood tests and Xrays showed that Africa was exhausted from longterm starvation, severe anemia and sepsis. Most of his internal organs showed signs of ulcers and damage. He was currently taking insulin and the doctors were trying to clear his stomach. I wanted to take away all the pain and suffering in that little body. Let s combine all our good thoughts and all the love that exists in the world to pray for Africa. Africa s health hadn t improved at all. Every day that passes, he was gnawed by pain. My tears just kept flowing