A Curious Case of Fish Poisoning
My daughter wanted some false julii cory catfish (Corydoras trilineatus), but to my shock, some of them started failing while in quarantine Here are two unusual reasons why your corydoras may not being doing well when you first bring them home. MATERIALS I USED (I work for Aquarium CoOp but do not receive commissions from their links. ) Fritz Freshwater Salt, 1 lb: RESOURCES Aquarium CoOp Club: Live Speaker Eric Thomas Are Corydoras Poisonous Corydoras and Salt: Treating Corydoras Catfish with Salt: How to Use the Quarantine Medication Trio: EXTRAS Members Only content: Instagram: Merch store: EDITOR: Matt Gray at ATTRIBUTION Music from Epidemic Sound: (if you use my referral link, I get 1 month free ) , girltalksfish, corydoras, corycatfish 0:00 Corydoras selfpoisoning 6:22 Corydoras and salt