Mark Heckler Spring Security for N00bz: A quick introduction for the terminally insecure
No one wants to feature prominently in headlines of the latest security breach. Doing so can make you and your organization a target for lawsuits, prosecution, and recognition of the worst kind. But security is hard, right Where does one even begin One fully opensource solution for application security is widely used and respected. Spring Security provides a proven app security platform that integrates with numerous languages and components to provide endtoend security for your critical applications. Using the JavaScript framework du jour for front end development Reactive systems LDAP OAuth2 OpenID Connect It s in there. Defense is a multifaceted topic, but your application s security is central to it all. Come to this session for a thoughtprovoking introduction to defense in depth and a livecoding lock it down exploration of how to secure your apps now and maintain their security over time.