Girls Do Porn
In 2013, a website featuring amateur pornography began making headlines across the United States and later, the world. Founded by New Zealander Michael Pratt in 2006, GirlsDoPorn was billed early on as a reality website that features 1821 year old females making their very first adult For the next decade, Pratt would attempt to build an empire, recruiting his childhood friend Matthew Wolfe in 2011 and aspiring actor Ruben Andre Garcia later that same year to help him achieve his goals. But by 2016, dozens of women featured on the site would turn against these three and the other employees of GirlsDoPorn, revealing that they had built nothing more than a criminal enterprise centered around fraud, deceptive practices, and Researched, written, hosted, and produced by Micheal Whelan Original music created by Micheal Whelan through Amper Music Theme music created and composed by Ailsa Traves Producers: Roberta Janson, Ben Krokum