Donna Summer Bad Girls ( Moreno J Remix)
Remixer: Moreno J Vocal edit: Moreno J Vocal: Donna Summer Sound mixing: Moreno J Mastering: Moreno J Video edit: Moreno J Videos scenes taken from: 01. A Chorus Line (1985) That Jazz (1979) Party (1984) (2010) Bye Birdie (1963) (2002) (1983) (1984) Me And My Gal (1942) Face (1957) (1978) 2 (1982) (1989) Night Fever (1977) Charity (1969) God Its Friday (1978) Bitch (1979) Wiz (1978) Las Vegas (1964) Side Story (1961) Info about the original artist (group members) Free download wave file. To download the file go to the top on the right corner next to the login button of Google drive window. After you clicked on the link. Google drive download link: