Abriosis Peering Into Oblivion ( Official Music Video)
Download the Vessel album here: Video created by Anna Waters and Alexis Ness, with black and white live footage by Mayne Brand Productions. Lyrics: Suddenly in halfsleep Shifting from awake into dreams Silently, comes to me An eternal unravelling A deafening roar fills my skull Im losing myself in it all Psychical Shattering Lightning strikes behind my eyes searing Voices echo deep in my skull Body lifts only to slump down again Swiftly in the dark of my mind The eye appears swallowing my vision Piercing gaze keeps me cold and still Paralysis explodes my memory Flashing memories once forgotten Peering into oblivion Time will cease Peering into oblivion Silent Screams in false reality Senses overwhelmed by the unfamiliar To die, to die No longer a right Shock is not enough to bring me back to light Im losing myself in it all Voices