The Redstone Potential Minecraft Calculator
Hey, so I built an 8bit calculator in minecraft. This has been a project of mine for quite some time, and I finally got it finished. Using only redstone, repeaters, torches, comparators, and pistons, this calculator can add, subtract, multiply, or divide two 8bit numbers (0255). Division will give you two digits past the decimal point of accuracy. How is this possible: (gibberish warning) For the user s input, I used a binary encoder to convert each digit to BCD. The BCD is then sent to the display, and to two 8bit BCD to binary converters. The operation the user picks determines where they are sent to next. Addition sends them to the binary adder, subtraction sends them to the binary subtractor, etc. Once the calculation is done, the binary result is sent to a 16bit binary to BCD converter. Finally, each BCD digit is decoded for its seven segment display. World Download World Download with components, tutorial www.