Motocross Rufea 2018, MX Elite Amateur by Jaume Soler
Respect the creators work. Please don t download this video and reupload it on Facebook, Instagram or Segona prova del Trofeu Moto Club Segre al circuit de Rufea: 1. Sergio Castro (Kawasaki) 2. Nil Arcarons (Suzuki) 3. Francesc Mataró (Kawasaki) 4. Simeo Ubach (Husqvarna) 5. José Luis Martinez (Honda) 6. Raúl Sanchez (Husqvarna) 7. Guillem Mascarilla (KTM) 8. José Antonio Aparicio (Yamaha) 9. Álex Márquez (Honda) 10. Oriol Casas (KTM) OnBoard: Nil Arcarons (Suzuki) Instagram: