Off Grid Tiny House with Dual Bed Design Garage Door Window Full Tour
Tiny House Tour + Download Turo for free here: Use promo codeEXPLORE15for 15 off your first trip Thanks to Turo for sponsoring this video Check out Cabinscape s beautiful offgrid cabin rentals in Eastern Ontario here: We love the idea of putting low impact, offgrid tiny homes like this on conservation land so that people can have access to wild spaces and spend some time reconnecting with the natural world. The Mica cabin is offgrid with 4 solar panels, 3 batteries, and a backup generator. The solar power system runs the furnace fan, the lights, the composting toilet fan, USB outlets, etc. For hot water, cooking, and heat, there are 2 x 100 lb propane tanks. The cabin has an indoor Separett urine diversion toilet. The urine drains into a french drain buried outside the cabin, and the solids are composted in a self contained composter until they are ready to be safely spread on the land. There is a greywater filtration pi