Lily Rose Depp and George Mac Kay on Wolf and Being Inspired By the Challenge
With writerdirector Nathalie Biancheris (Nocturnal) Wolf now playing in select theaters, I recently got to speak with LilyRose Depp and George MacKay about making a film that deals with species dysphoria (where some believes they are an animal trapped in a human body). During the interview, they talked about how the script was unlike anything theyve ever read, how being nervous to do something is the reason to do it, being inspired by the challenge of taking on these characters, what was it like working with movement coach Terry Notary and how he taught them to act without human thought, and more. In addition, they talked about filming their first scene where their characters meet each other as animals and why they loved the sequence. If youre not familiar with Wolf, the film focuses on Jacob (MacKay), who believe he is a wolf trapped in a human body. With his family concerned, hes sent to a clinic that deals with the issue, and hes forced to endure extreme forms of curative therapies along wi